Monday, January 7, 2013

First World Problems

Henry and I go on a walk almost daily, at a park we love in a part of town that we also love. On those walks, Henry is usually napping and I find myself thinking incessantly. And this is the situation I've found myself in...

We are passively looking at new homes in a few parts of town. Possibly moving within the next year. 

Reason? Well we live on a really busy main street, we don't have a yard, we will eventually need more space when we have another little one, and the school district that serves our neighborhood is pretty dreadful. 

The obvious answer once was, to be patient and make sacrifices on how updated the home was in order to be able to afford something in the ideal neighborhood with the best schools. And then, with all of my thinking time, I found myself wondering if Henry would be better served having a more diverse environment. Kids from more backgrounds; culturally and economically. I can't quite articulate exactly what else I mean by "diverse", but I know there is more to it. But doing this wouldn't make sense if we were to somehow find ourselves living in this ideal neighborhood. Because no one would ever pass up on access to the best public schools, to give their kid a diverse experience at a charter. However, a charter is never guaranteed since most selections are based on a lottery. So atleast we would have a good school district as a definite option if we lived there.

And then there is the idea of getting a more updated home in a good area, that doesn't have the best schools and crossing our fingers and toes that we can get Henry into a good charter, since we wouldn't have a good school district to fall back on. But in a good neighborhood instead of the ideal neighborhood we would be able to afford a more updated home or to update one ourselves. 

So I realize I have to get real and figure out what is most important to me and in what order. Things like: The actual house and being able to make it our own and having the space we want, the neighborhood being safe and walkable with parks nearby, convenience to schools, shopping, gym, restaurants, and the quality of the school district. 

And then also getting clear on what's most important to me when making a decision on choosing a school for Henry. Things like extracurriculars, PE, music, art, parental involvement, diversity, expectations, performance, etc. 

What's most important to you when considering a school for your child? 

Oh yeah...I know, I have options, poor poor me. #FirstWorldProblems kids almost 6...months old. I'm nuts, right? I have years to worry about it. Well, except I want to move in a year or so which kind of makes this thought process more acceptable and not crazy. Right? I think it has to do with being a mom. My brain is so full of things that are on a constant carousel spinning around inside my head with crazy carnival music playing, leaving me dizzy with indecisiveness and an inability to focus.

Baby brain doesn't go away after the baby is born, it is magnified.

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