Wednesday, September 7, 2011

we're bringin sexy back


I'm supposed to be packing for our four day weekend trip to Ann Arbor, but instead I'm scouring the web for custom shelving, pinning on pinterest and checking my facebook. What is it about packing -- and more so-- unpacking that is such a pain in the ass. I'll get to it. At some point. Before tomorrow morning. I will. Later. I am excited to finally get the chance to use my Gap bright yellow (I mean maize) raincoat that I bought in the summer like 6 years ago for..wait for it...$5 --originally $50-- that's the great thing about summertime and raincoats. 

I apologize in advance to all wives who despise fantasy football. Because I quite enjoy it. I am the problem, I support the addictive and unrealistic hobbies that men lust over. I think it's because I am, for whatever reason, kind of good at it. I can spot talent, and my mind works well with the auction draft style. Numbers, math, calculations, weighing cost versus value versus need. Stuff like that. I think I totally geeked it up and made it so unmanly, which is fine for me, and probably made myself sound like rainman, which isnt exactly fine for me. It is what it is.  The fact is, I sat through a 3-hour fantasy football draft on Monday. And now I have something/someone to root for on Sundays, I dont go to church, but fantasy football has now given my Sundays a meaning. That is, when I'm not baking or working or shopping or cleaning or anything. 
my new office chair, pink. love it.
Some light at the end of the tunnel...I think we've finally gotten the health insurance situation sorted. Found some plans that we feel good about and are about to commit. What a relief. The insurance world is so muddled and daunting. I have squeegeed off the bird shit insurance mumbo jumbo from the windshield and finally have some clarity on which way to go. Which means it will soon be baby-makin time! 

The Coops just re-signed up for the gym, that's right folks, sexy is being brought. Oh god, did I just say that. Not a big enough JT fan for that to be acceptable, shame. While we were being given a tour, the trainer asked us what we had been doing since we cancelled our memberships 4 months ago. Quickly and directly I said "gaining about ten pounds." To which, he didnt laugh. My husband did, then felt his stomach and said "that sounds about right." I love my husband. 

1 comment:

  1. Alexandra, can I just say that I love ya to pieces! And really enjoy your blog!!!


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