We're making the new nest, more of our nest, home. Our day off together was full of half a dozen appointments. A sleezy carpet salesman who offered us a price gouged estimate expecting us to sign on the dotted line right then and there as if we had no idea that the price offered was probably double what we can find elsewhere. A chatty blinds lady who we really liked and shared stories of her son and her father and then gave us a kick ass deal. A painter as cliche as can be, white overalls with spots of paint, offering up design ideas about accent walls and such. The guy from the Powell Electric commercial to repair our doorbell. An inspection for our home owners insurance. Deep breath. Thats just how we do it.
More recently we hit up ikea and home depot. It was an orgy of home decorating. It was cabinets, dining tables, paint colors...and more paint colors...and so fantastic. Even my husband said "decorating is fun," the same husband who just an hour earlier said "I almost ate my finger" while chowing down on his "protein style" (aka bunless) in n' out burger.
I am finding myself in a constant whirlwind of laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, making dinner and breakfast. And this is just from two grown people. I can't imagine what it'll be like when we have a family. Crazytown. Speaking of family and kids and all that super stuff, waiting on insurance approval before we start -- kind of playing it safe I guess, but we rather wait a few weeks than pay thousands and thousands more than we have to so that I get the joy and pleasure of pushing a watermelon sized creature out of my lady parts.
So to all your lady parts out there that have had babies tear their way out of them, good for you and your brave selves. Seriously.
temptation. must...not...give...in. |
Have fun practicing making babies for now. ;)